PCR Environmental, Inc.

• integrity • competence • professionalism •

PCR Environmental, Inc.

• integrity • competence • professionalism •

Aug 2013

Tamuning Weather

We’ve been collecting and generating weather data in Tamuning, Guam since March of 2005. The VantagePro Plus weather station is part of the Citizens Weather Observatory Program and uploads data to Weather Underground. It also creates its own weather page which is updated every 5 minutes. We swapped out the station yesterday (our 3rd one) because the humidity sensor in the old one was starting to fail (as can be seen in the data starting on July 14, 2013).

Underground Injection Control

We are currently preparing a white paper discussing EPA and Guam EPA’s Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program, as it pertains to stormwater management on island. If you would like to participate, or get a copy of our final product, please contact Lauren Ahillen (lauren@pcrguam.com) of our office.